René Girard (1923-2015)

René Girard died on November 4, 2015. A memorial service will take place on January 19 at 2 p.m. at the Stanford Memorial Church. Find links to a number of tributes below (not an exhaustive list):

Mark Anspach's overview of Girard's contribution on the Imitatio website.

James Alison speaks with America Magazine's Zac Davis on René Girard.

Cynthia Haven's obituary on the Stanford News website.

Grant's Kaplan's tribute in America Magazine.

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry's article on the "unlikely Christianity" of Girard in The Week.

Giles Fraser writes on Girard and the Paris attacks in The Guardian.

Bishop Robert Barron declares Girard a "Church Father" in the National Catholic Register.

Quentin Hardy's obituary in The New York Times.

Daniel Lance's video of René Girard's "last laugh."

Scott Cowdell's "theological retrospective" on